
élan beauté & supplies


Package Design
Product Design
Die-Line Creation
Creative Direction
Marketing Assets
About élan beauté

élan is a lash extension supply that is based out of The Bay Area. At élan, we pride ourselves in creating the highest quality products & creating a safe space so all lash artists explore their creativity and artistic expression. élan hopes to make those around them feel loved, supported, & appreciated worldwide!

By being a part of the élan beauté family, I've had the wonderful opportunity to spearhead the companie's art direction including any creating collateral and special products for exciting campaigns such as conventions, tours, social media, and so so much more!

Up to date, I have designed nearly 100 products in less than half a year by implementing unique and unconventional packaging solutions. For additional projects, please feel free to get in touch for more works I am proud & exhilerated to show!

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Lavender Peachy3 Peachy3 Peachy3 Peachy3
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